Sunday, April 26, 2009

Boer Goat 波尔羊

There are various type of goats are being sold in our farm.

Boer goat, Saanen goat, Jamnapari goat, Barbados Blackberry sheep(Africa), Angro Nubian, Kampung goat, etc.

Prices are reasonable and negotiable ~ from RM500 (depend on type & size)

GoiGoat 牧农场有出售各种不同类型的羊只。

波尔羊,沙能奶羊,Jamnapari羊,绵羊巴巴多斯黑莓(非洲),Angro Nubian羊,甘榜山羊等

合理的价格以类型和大小而定 〜从500令吉起。

Boer Goat 波尔羊

Barbados Blackberry Goat 绵羊巴巴多斯黑莓(非洲)

Baby sheep (3 week ) 三星期大的小棉羊

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Goat Milk 羊奶

Saanen Goats

Originated from Switzerland, Saanen doe are heavy milk producers.

We provide Saanen goats milk with fresh and non-preservative.
500ml - RM10.00
Free of charge delivery with 10 bottles above.

If interested, kindly contact us.

500毫升- 10令吉。
